As we read Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, we learn more about the Holocaust and World War II, and their effects on people during that time.

We look back on the Holocaust as a time of disgrace for mankind. How could people let this happen? How could one human being be so... inhumane... to another? How could so many people join in this genocide, this mass destruction of a group of people just because of their religion?

This period of time that happened roughly 70 years ago seems so savage, so brutal, that we can’t wrap our “modern” minds around it. However, did you know that even in “modern” times, there are still crimes of hatred like this going on?

This blog is designed for you, 7th grade students, to share your ideas about what hatred can do to the human spirit, as we see it through Anne Frank's eyes and in the other literary works we study.

Friday, May 7, 2010

WAR and the Human Spirit

In the pages you just read, especially p. 186-194, Anne begins to talk about what the war has done to the people living through it. She writes, "Although I tell you a lot, still, even so, you only know very little of our lives" (p. 192). What do you think it would be like to live in the middle of a war?

1. Give details or examples of ways the war has changed people and their lives, as described by Anne in her diary. Please include the page number. (You can give the exact quote or summarize in your own words).
2. Then, think about and share a question you might have for someone who grew up in World War II, just like Anne, but who lived in the U.S.A. and practiced Christianity. Remember that this person would have a very different perspective from Anne's.


  1. answering the question, i think it would be terrible being on anne's situation because i would be frightened, thinking in what is going to happen next. if i would be anne, i would be happy because i have a crush on a boy who probably has a crush on me also, but at the same time i would be nervous because i can't predict future, i don't know if i'm going to get over the war. my question is: how did Christian people feel about this? didn't they feel guilty for what was happening??
    -Gabriela Susana

  2. this is the new one?!

    ~Jorge G.

  3. "If the truth is told, things are just as bad as you yourself care to make them." Friday, 14 April, 1944, pg. 188


  4. in my opinin living in war would be cool, and sad and scary.. it would be cool beacause i love noise, but many people you know might get killed:s i know someone who needed to leave something she/he loves just because he couldn't live with the of war going through shes/his head.

    question i would like to ask:
    ~what was going trough your head in that moment
    ~did you hide
    ~where did you hide
    ~when it was over how did you feel?

  5. the comment above was maodelgado:)

  6. maodelgado commented above:p

  7. Gaby, Jorge, and Mao, thanks for your punctuality with your comments!

    Gaby- I liked how you brought up both sides of how Anne was feeling... there was the suffering of living through the war, but also the simple "teen" side of her that was falling in love. Also, great question!

    Jorge- EXCELLENT quote and something for us all to think about! It shows how Anne's "human spirit" never failed, despite all she lived through. Do you think you could use it in your daily life, like for example when you don't get chosen to read out loud in class?

    Mao- I liked how you questioned about the end of the war, to see how war can change people during AND after. Would you really find war cool?

  8. First of all, Anne KNOWS what's really goin' on in the war, ESPECIALLy the jews, she knows that some children come home from school to find out that their parents are gone, people dead because of the bombs etc.. Knowing that she's lucky because she hasn't been taken away! For me it would be REALLY HARD living in fear, not talking or moving, knowing that for one little mistake, your life is GONE!
    BTW: some Q's that I would put are:
    1. Didn't you feel afraid, knowing that your life was at risk?

    2. Did you try to hide? if yes where & if no WHY?

    3. Didin't you have ANY christian friends who could help you?

    ~Maria De L.~ :D

  9. Living during war was really difficult. Imagine when they have to go to the bathroom!! I mean for everyone to poop in ONE BASKET!! Being there quiet without a move were the only thing you could do was barely breath could not be easy for a 14 year-old girl.
    Imagine how it would be if you were in Anne's place?

    Alba'Reynoso ;)

  10. The last two years of your life living in fear.

    "Everyone's breath was audinle, otherwise no one moved. Footsteps in the house, in the private office, kitchen, then.....on our staircase. No one breathed audible now....... now were lost i said, and could see us all being taken way by the Gestapo that very night."

    Alba'Reynoso ;)

  11. yeah.. i agree with alba, like ONE BASKET to poop on... eighlll...
    About this thing in the war i think that every single people has been changed at least a bit. like we said on class, kids went home to find out their parents have been taken away and that kids will steal everything they find out handy.. "little kids from ages 8 to 11, break the windows of people's homes and steal whatever they can lay tehir hands on" pg. 192 so she says that even kids have become thieves because of this enless war.
    i cant really even imagine living during the war, i mean i would have gone into hiding like Anne and try to live, but it's all on God's hands...(and lukily i will be trapped with my best friends :p)
    the questions i would like to ask a person that lived during WWll is:
    -What did it really felt like, i mean is it as bad as people say??
    -Did you go into hiding? Were you scared, or felt safe???

    Marla Moreta... :)

  12. living in war = government using $ to fight in the war that = recession(geography reference:]).

    Question was the economy constant during the war?

    ATT IDK ( dont tell anyone its Esteban Polanco...

  13. living in war = government using $ to fight in the war that = recession(geography reference:]).

    Question was the economy constant during the war?

    ATT IDK ( dont tell anyone its Esteban Polanco...

  14. sorry 4 double post was messed up >.<




  16. "I don't believe that the big men, the politicians and the capitalists alone, are guilty of the war. Oh no, the little man is just as guilty, otherwise the peoples of the world would have risen in revolt long ago! There's in people simply an urge to destroy, an urge to kill, to murder and rage, until all mankind, without exception, undergoes a great change, wars will be waged, everything that has been built up, cultivated, and grown will be destroyed and disfigured, after which mankind will have to begin all over again." Wednesday, 3 May, 1944, pg. 201
    ~JORGE Garcia ;)

  17. About what Jorge said in his first comment(the quote). Yesturday my mom was watching Oprah and it was about 2 families that were going to lose their houses. in 1 family there were 8kids and both parents, in the other one, it was just the mother and her daughter. Both of the families together owed the bank about 350,000 dollars. Oprah said "today an angel will pass by" the Angel was wil-i-am from Black Eye Peas. he paid all what they owed. After this they showed him going back to his house where he grew up. In his room he had, in the sealing, this quote: "Dream it... Wish it... Do it". He said that since little he wanted to be an artist. Not for money, but to do good thing with the money.

  18. Answering:the quote: we must behave like solider p.203. that means that you need to be quiet for years like anne keep all the secrets for the secret annexe. they cant make noise. like soliders.
    astrid brea..i dont forgot to put my name :p

  19. p 209 things are just as bad as you yourself care to make them. example every day you hear if only it was all over. annes perspective: my work, my hope, my love, my courage, all these things keep my head above water and keep mefrom complaining.

    astrid brea

  20. i forgot to answer about the war. it will be sad bor some. for me it will be very sadly and noisy. but for others that likes to see people killed is cool. i dont mean that because you die i need to die with you.

    1. if your hidding, are u 100 percent safe?
    2. why does the want to kill the if the were normal people as us?
    3. could you ask help to oher people that have different religion?

    astrid brea :)

  21. 1. the war had change poeple because anne said that children had come homeand they dont find their parents and that you cannot live your house for more than five minutes or poeple will still it and it would be gone.
    2. did you lost a family member or friend in the war?
    Laura Betancourt

  22. well .. in my opinion living in a war will be very difficult because like we all are used to go to school, spend times with friends in diffrent places it will be very sad to stay in the same place without havin the opportunity of fresh air and traveling from one place to another.. and only knowing that you are being critizied because of your religion will be verrrrry hard :( - Alanna Aracena

  23. in the past kill people was a job. in my opinion more than a jod it was hobbie because they enjoy to kill people, and it was not to get the money because jewish hasnt enough money it was to obtain power. en to obtain a revange for worl war 1.

    astrid brea

  24. I really think that power makes people bad, some powers not all of them, but as i said in the class time has changed, and times have stayed the same. but what conserns me the most is the comment that anne made about money, and how money is missused in war and stuff, and its not used for makeing hospitals and of equipment for hospitals..

    i really think that anne is right in the part that she says 'why should millions be spent daily on the war and yet there's not a penny available for medicals services, artists, or for poor people?'pg.223 and i reallyl whant to bring that peragraph up, because not even now people can answer that questions.. thats why we blame the govenment


  25. btw.. i love to discuss temes in class :D so i really love the way we discussed about pg.222-223.In my opinin we should discuss more :)


  26. I really think that Anne's life changed completly since she got to the Secret Annexe.
    She became more machure, she found her love, and now she is worried because she soen't know if they are going to find her. She is very affraid, even though it doesn't describe it WOW, but I get in her shoes, I will totally be scared. She is passing through a difficult step because the food she's eating is not as good as the one you should normally be eating.
    Sorry for putting the comment late :$ this page didn't wanted to appear on my computer.
    ~ Camille'Espaillat ♥

  27. 1 the first way ear has changed is that now it is a great crime and horrible thing to kill so much people, and before it was only bad for the jews the people that killed didn't mind. In any page she said it was bad to kill people the only bad is that it is only jews. In the afterword they explained how they died, that wasn't so bad to die of hunger but now if you don't give food to the "prisoner" they exxagerate and make it the GREAT thing the first day.
    2 I would ask what did it felt? How did it looked? and, what did you do against?


  28. What a horrible time Anne spent on camp and just for the freaking thief that entered and heard mouschi walking. i just can't understand how can a man like dussel recieve so much care from strangers because he was very annoying and didn't care if he was alive or dead he only wanted to get out of the secret annexe and go to another place

    Manuel Arias

  29. Well, you are asking for evidence from "Anne Frank", but I´ll use evidence for "Defiance" too, so I can explain better myself...
    We can see from "Anne Frank" that Anne has "groun up" since she joined the "Secret Annexe" now she has a "knowledge" of what was going on in the world, or at least her world....
    We have too "Defiance", and we can see here that Aroon saw how the germans killed his parents and it left him traumatized...

    So we cab see that the war will affect people depending on how they see it; because, Anne Frank didn´t live in midle war, and she got this kind of "knowledge"; but we have Aroon that lived in midle war and he was traumatized....
    *Victor A. Vargas*

  30. instead of "for"in my last comment("but I´ll use evidence FOR "Defiance" too, so I can explain better myself...") it was FROM...
    *Victor A. Vargas*

  31. well i am agree with mr dussel was a stupid person because he only cares about him he wanted to be alone with anyone of them only he and his anger

    elio delgado
