As we read Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, we learn more about the Holocaust and World War II, and their effects on people during that time.

We look back on the Holocaust as a time of disgrace for mankind. How could people let this happen? How could one human being be so... inhumane... to another? How could so many people join in this genocide, this mass destruction of a group of people just because of their religion?

This period of time that happened roughly 70 years ago seems so savage, so brutal, that we can’t wrap our “modern” minds around it. However, did you know that even in “modern” times, there are still crimes of hatred like this going on?

This blog is designed for you, 7th grade students, to share your ideas about what hatred can do to the human spirit, as we see it through Anne Frank's eyes and in the other literary works we study.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why War???

Today in class, we (mostly YOU) had an excellent discussion about Anne's observations on war from p. 222-224. Jennifer made a comment that Anne's ideas about war, its causes, and how to deal with it were "very mature" for a 13-year-old, because she has been through so much in the past 2 years. I completely agree with that, however, the discussion you had today as 7th graders was ALSO very mature for people your age... in other words, be PROUD of yourselves! You have grown a lot this year; at the beginning of the year we definitely did not have discussions like the one we just had today.

Many of you commented on what Anne wrote on p.223, and related it to today's world. She asks, "Why should millions be spent daily on the war and yet there's not a penny available for medical services, artists, or poor people?" (223). Apparently, we haven't learned from our mistakes, as most of you agreed that we can say the SAME TODAY.
Check out this website with a running tally of the cost of war in the Middle East. I recommend clicking "See the Tradeoffs" on the bottom of the page, to see what we are NOT spending money on due to the war:
Cost of War: National Priorities Project
This youtube video is also very informative and ends in similar ideas to Anne's:
GOOD: The Hidden Cost of War

What do you think? Are Anne's comments about World War II just as applicable to the war going on in the Middle East today? Why haven't we learned from past mistakes... or have we? I am opening this post for you to WRITE DOWN some of the comments you shared today in class (or didn't share out loud but had in your head). Your thoughts are too sophisticated to not be published (and this way I have evidence to brag about you, too)! Feel free to throw out a question and comment on what your classmates write, in addition to your own ideas. I look forward to reading what you have to say!


  1. I am re-posting the comments that Mao and Astrid wrote in the last post, becuase they are very pertinent to this one:

    Anonymous said...

    in the past kill people was a job. in my opinion more than a jod it was hobbie because they enjoy to kill people, and it was not to get the money because jewish hasnt enough money it was to obtain power. en to obtain a revange for worl war 1.

    astrid brea
    May 12, 2010 5:46 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I really think that power makes people bad, some powers not all of them, but as i said in the class time has changed, and times have stayed the same. but what conserns me the most is the comment that anne made about money, and how money is missused in war and stuff, and its not used for makeing hospitals and of equipment for hospitals..

    i really think that anne is right in the part that she says 'why should millions be spent daily on the war and yet there's not a penny available for medicals services, artists, or for poor people?'pg.223 and i reallyl whant to bring that peragraph up, because not even now people can answer that questions.. thats why we blame the govenment

    May 12, 2010 5:53 AM
    Anonymous said...

    btw.. i love to discuss temes in class :D so i really love the way we discussed about pg.222-223.In my opinin we should discuss more :)

    May 12, 2010 5:56 AM

  2. Also, the quote that Jorge found from p. 223 is important for this discussion:

    Anonymous said...

    "I don't believe that the big men, the politicians and the capitalists alone, are guilty of the war. Oh no, the little man is just as guilty, otherwise the peoples of the world would have risen in revolt long ago! There's in people simply an urge to destroy, an urge to kill, to murder and rage, until all mankind, without exception, undergoes a great change, wars will be waged, everything that has been built up, cultivated, and grown will be destroyed and disfigured, after which mankind will have to begin all over again." Wednesday, 3 May, 1944, pg. 201
    ~JORGE Garcia ;)
    May 11, 2010 12:12 PM

  3. BTW, Jorge, what do YOU think about that quote???

  4. Guys, think about it this way. 1944, that was, hmmm... like... 66 years ago? It was another time, and, because we humans are animals, we have evolved since then. In MANY ways. People in those times thought killing people from other countries or jews *blame Hitler* was a duty, therefore it was "the right thing". But I ask you, fellas, What is the right thing? If the right thing has changed throughout the years...

    Also, why did people steal so much during the war? You call it crime, I call it a time of need. I believe we're going to see the new version of the Anne Frank movie 'till the end, you will soon notice that in those concentration camps, sometimes, stealing was one of the only ways of survival. Thanks y'all.

    Att. Anonymous

    P.S. I have my reasons of being anonymous.

  5. I have a SIMPLE EXPLANATION for everything!
    1. Before, killing was good
    2. Now, its a crime!
    3. War is still used to gain power from other countries
    4. Hitler manipulated people that the jews were responsible for that war! I`ts so unfair!!

    ~Maria De L.~

  6. in my opinion killing people wasn t as wrong or bad as it is today 4 example aztecs let the decapitated head roll down the stairs of their sacred temples so it was kind of a custom 4 them

    Esteban Polanco

  7. i think on that quote that.... that that quote express good things of anne

  8. i cant even believe that so mujch money is being spent on bad things that are harmful for the world and the society, its just useless. and the worst of all is that the amount of money keeps increasing and incrasing. And actually someone made a comment today that killing is not a job, qctually it is for some people, they kill for money or just becasue of their desire. And yes, i believe that money is used inappropiately but i think they want to win the wars becasue they simply like power, thhey like to be seen as a powerful and strong country.... i think they should use some of that money for hospitals and the progress of theur countror poor people, to be helpful and avoid the death of them.
    The video!! OMG, thats alot of numbers, 3 thrillion dollars!!
    And as i said in class i think that if people wouldnt like to be killed they shouldnt do that "dont do to ohters, What you would not like them to do to you". But the people they are atacking should and are protecting their countries 'cause they would not like to be defeated by another country...

    Marla Moreta <3

  9. Mao i too love to discuss this themes in class irt is REALLY fun and cool, and it is better because we can all express exactly what we want to say.
    about what Astrid said, before killing people wasn't a crime just a job, because there were not so much deaths by killers before, but now everyday at least 100 people die!
    About Jenny's comment I think Anne had a really hard life, and that gave her all this expierence, and also being alone with so much time to think should have affected a lot her mmind.
    Something I knew is that my father says that Hitler was the bad one because he killed the jews, but for a lot of germans he was a great leader, so he shouldn't be the bad guy of the whole story....
    even though I don't agree with killing people wouldnt take sides.

  10. the comment above was charyl adams, she forgot to put her name!!! :)

  11. I disagree with people that said that in those times people "enjoy" to kill people or that it was "a job"; because, in "the boy in the striped pajamas", when bruno asked his father about "the farmers" he said that they were not real people.
    So this means that for them (germans) jewish were just like animals.
    -Some people said that in those times kill other people was a job, and more than a job, a hobbie. In my opinion, it don´t have to be with "the times" because, if you look around you, you will find those types of people, just visit the jails....
    *Victor A. Vargas*

  12. I agree with Victor! For german people the Jews were just animals, People that didn't exsist in the world.
    I think that wars have no sense, because, after everything you've constructed with much effort and everything that you have done, people are destroying it and they don't care about what they are doing. They want to end up with world and kill all Jews.
    I really disagree with Germans to kill Jews. They should know that they are people too, but with different beliefs, it's not their problem. Even though they dont like Hitler. Germans thought that Hitler was the best leader and that everything he did was right and perfect. The same thing happened here in Dominican Replublic with Trujillo. He send people to kill others who didn't like him. That's why he totally died, because of all the bad things he did in his life, for killing people without any worth it reason, for treating others bad, and for doing things that he shouldn't do and that weren't appropriate.
    I dont believe that they should be wasting money in useless things, such as bombs and expesive weapons. This money can be used to make a better society and a better part of where they are living.
    ~ Camille'Espaillat ♥

  13. I saw the page of the cost of war OMG!! I couldn't believe it SO MUCH money that could have been used in something good, had to be wasted on war... I find that so illogic, and number didn't stop rising!!! And the video that says exactly hoe the money is spent, GOD! cant they use it for something else...!
    ATT: CharylAdams

  14. i want to comment today because what we discuss today was very impressive. i like a 14 years old girl says that she could live without her parent that to have it and dont it will be the same, and when she need them they ere not going to be there because it could be late. and i said i she dont have those parents you wouldnt be hid and she will be death.

    Astrid Brea

  15. I agree with Astrid that at a so early age, a young girl is deciding to live with her parents and how awful can that be

    Manuel Arias

  16. The world hasn't changed since WWII. People still kill, the government still uses more money in war, and society still crumbles because of it.



  17. anyone wants to learn from the past because if they do people wouldnt make does mistakes. not in dominican republic but in the US we can say that probles still and war stills, terrorist exist and keep killing people now for money in the pasr was for power now is for both of them. there is not suficient people to stop it cause it always will be the same until someone but their fetts on earth and understands that killing is not the solution.


  18. I thin their is no reason for war. I think is an stupidity from mankind. It is like fitting because i believe in strawberries and Marla believes in Raspberries. It is just nonsense.
    I think the government should use that money in something the country or the world really needs! I think our ''civilization'' has not progressed at all on war themes. F for our civilization, SUMMER SCHOOL.

  19. Im agree with Anne and with my classmates s2o i think that everything don't need to solve with fights and exacly why war? Peace is better , and why it is all without words ?

    Valerie Lora/

  20. I think that maby we haven't learned the about world war 2 because, today, we still have wars instead of talking and making agreements and also we still waste money on tings of war and other things that arn't so important as poverty or gloval warming.
    In my opinion evreyone has to stand for the good of earth.

    Laura Betancourt

  21. Everytime there's a war people just spend their money on it and also their time and risk lifes people like that don't understand that there are more important things they could use all that money for like helping your community, saving lifes,etc. but people are so obsessed on winning they forget about the others.

  22. i dont really know why because all people have rights to live and have a beautifull life. why war? well because maybe hitler dont likes them or he is just a bad person. only to jews and russians.

    luis estepan

  23. like we had mention before in class in the past killing wasnt a big deal and for any religion reason they perspective change just beacause of religion... and many others nonsense themes ... so thats why war was caused beacause of diffrent opinions!

    Alanna Paulino

  24. I agree with alanna because killing is not a big deal the reason why you kill is the important thing, it does not matter how much you hate a person it is not a good reason for killing.

    Emmanuel Rodriguez

  25. im agree with emmanuel because killing doesnt resolve nothing it only put worse the problem so dont kill

    elio edelgado
