As we read Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, we learn more about the Holocaust and World War II, and their effects on people during that time.

We look back on the Holocaust as a time of disgrace for mankind. How could people let this happen? How could one human being be so... inhumane... to another? How could so many people join in this genocide, this mass destruction of a group of people just because of their religion?

This period of time that happened roughly 70 years ago seems so savage, so brutal, that we can’t wrap our “modern” minds around it. However, did you know that even in “modern” times, there are still crimes of hatred like this going on?

This blog is designed for you, 7th grade students, to share your ideas about what hatred can do to the human spirit, as we see it through Anne Frank's eyes and in the other literary works we study.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Your Favorite Time of Year...

... FINAL EXAMS! Since I know you all LOVE this time of year so much, I made a special review for you for your Literature exam (hold the applause). I know you're excited, so here's a link to it so you can get right to work!
Everything I Need to Know for my 7th Literature Final Exam

AND here are the answers: 7th Literature Review Answers


  1. Thank you Ms. Nyitray~

  2. Now that's just mean ms.nyitray, really, OUR favorite time of the year? Shame on you! ;)
